Minggu, 26 November 2017

What Is MAVIN 

Mavin is becoming a global market maker, where brands and companies (marketers) and nano and influencers are integrated (influencers). You will benefit from a wider audience of achievement with a higher level of engagement. And influencers will be paid for by marketers as some call social media, giving them the opportunity to participate directly in spending marketing budgets. Marketing expenditures will not only be distributed to famous and famous influencers, but also to ordinary people.

Mavin is based on blockchain-based applications with self-maintained quality verification frameworks - an approach that lays the groundwork for highly measurable platforms capable of maintaining high quality standards.

Marketers will benefit by reaching a wider audience with a higher level of engagement. And influencers will be paid by marketers for some of their social media, giving them the opportunity to participate directly in marketing budget spending.

Mavin is a reward based, block-based marketing based marketing based on blockchain that connects digital marketers and agencies to micro and nano influencers in social media. By combining the power of marketing of micro and nano influencers into a single campaign, Mavin surpassed traditional advertising market targets through high ROI and engagement levels. At the same time, it reduces the cost of handling and spending on advertising through blockchain technology, smart contracts and micro transactions.

 Mavins block-based micro payment structure comes with the advantages of being highly cost-effective, especially compared to traditional payment gateways. thus enabling your ease without having to spend huge funds.

 Every single platform user will be rewarded instantly. No minimum amount is required before payment can be triggered and also no other limit to monetize its performance.

 Mavin combines artificial intelligence with human verification to ensure high-quality social media mentions relevant content in order to finally achieve a mutually beneficial relationship.

 Though starting with the demands of a rather small and diverse target audience, Mavin is ready for future growth thanks to a global and measurable platform.

Details Information:

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