Selasa, 30 Januari 2018

Image result for copytrack bounty


Kami percaya pada masyarakat ekonomi dan kripto yang terdesentralisasi. Kami sekarang memulai kampanye hadiah sehingga peserta dapat membantu mengenalkan COPYTRACK ke masyarakat, dan mendapatkan token gratis sebagai hadiah hadiah. Di COPYTRACK ICO akan ada 100 000 000 token CPY yang dikeluarkan secara total. Sebagai hadiah hadiah, kami akan mendistribusikan 1 000 000 token CPY, yang setara dengan 1% dari semua token CPY yang dikeluarkan di ICO.

Anda dapat berpartisipasi dalam program karunia kami dengan mendaftar alamat e-mail dan wallet Anda. Begitu Anda terdaftar, Anda bisa mulai mendapatkan hadiah steak. Hadiah hadiah yang diterima dari CPY token Anda akan dikirim ke dompet Anda yang terdaftar di akhir ICO.


Dengan menyelesaikan tugas karunia, Anda akan menerima karunia yang terbagi dalam kategori berikut: twitter, facebook, kampanye tanda tangan bitcointalk, terjemahan bitcointalk dan moderasi, menulis posting blog dan posting artikel di media populer. Pada akhir ICO kami akan mendistribusikan 1 000 000 token CPY secara proporsional ke saham Anda di setiap kategori.

Kami akan mendistribusikan 1 000 000 token CPY berdasarkan jumlah taruhan yang diperoleh di setiap kategori kampanye. Token CPY yang tersedia untuk setiap kategori akan dibagi dengan jumlah total tangkapan yang dikumpulkan di setiap kategori.

Misalnya, 150.000 tanda CPY didedikasikan untuk kategori Twitter. Token ini akan dibagi dengan jumlah total taruhan yang diperoleh dengan retweeting konten ICO kami. Jika jumlah total tangkapan yang terkumpul dalam kategori ini adalah 30.000 000, maka masing-masing saham bernilai 0,005 token CPY. Setiap anggota yang berpartisipasi dalam kampanye hadiah Twitter kemudian akan menerima kuota CPY berdasarkan jumlah taruhan yang mereka dapatkan dalam kategori ini. Proses yang sama berlaku untuk kategori kampanye yang tersisa.

Setelah semua taruhan dihitung dan distribusi CPY telah dihitung, Anda akan menerima token CPY Anda ke dompet Anda. Token ini akan didistribusikan 7 hari setelah ICO berakhir.

Untuk meringkas:
Berapa banyak taruhan yang Anda dapatkan ditentukan oleh persyaratan masing-masing kampanye hadiah.
Taruhan yang diperoleh di setiap kampanye TIDAK akan digabungkan, namun akan dihargai secara terpisah di setiap kampanye itu sendiri.
Distribusi token CPY gratis akan dihitung pada akhir ICO pada tanggal 10 Februari 2018.
Kuantitas CPY dihargai akan dikirim ke dompet Anda 7 hari setelah ICO selesai

Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan mengenai kampanye karunia atau memerlukan bantuan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami kapan saja dengan menggunakan program obrolan kami di situs kami. Kami akan dengan senang hati membantu Anda.

dan jika anda berminat ingin bergabung silahkan lihat link di bawah ini:

Rincian Informasi:

Kamis, 25 Januari 2018

Image result for bitcoin atom bounty

Apa Itu Bitcoin Atom

Revolusi Blockchain menciptakan kesalahan yang tepat di dunia. Perlahan berita tentang mata uang kripto muncul di media mainstream. Semakin banyak orang ingin menghadiri acara revolusioner ini yang tidak terlihat setiap hari. Teknologi blockchain memberikan kemajuan luar biasa dalam proses yang kita kenal sekarang, mengubah setiap aspek bisnis dan kehidupan yang kita jalani. Ini telah diakui oleh orang-orang yang antusias dan berkumpul dalam tim dan sedang melakukan startup kripto yang inovatif. Dengan cara ini, infrastruktur yang hilang di dunia kripto terisi, namun juga ditunjukkan nilai daya pemanfaatan yang diberikan oleh teknologi inovatif ini.

Salah satu startup kripto ini pasti adalah Bitcoin Atom. Bitcoin Atom membahas masalah yang saat ini dicengkeram oleh Blockchain paling terkenal di dunia. Tentu saja itu adalah Bitcoin. Bitcoin sejak itu muncul dari tempat kejadian, melakukan revolusi, karena telah menyingkirkan para mediator dari keseluruhan cerita, kenyataan bahwa transaksi instan dan tidak mahal telah terjadi, dan ketidakmampuan untuk melawan mata uang. Semua ini mengilhami ekspansi yang kita lihat sekarang. Tapi teknologi terdesentralisasi tidak terlahir untuk dihargai di bursa saham terpusat, yang seringkali menjadi sasaran hacking atau pembusukan. Mereka juga enggan untuk memakai orang banyak pada mereka akhir-akhir ini. Banyak yang saat ini melarang membuat akun baru untuk pengguna. Semua ini akan menghapus Bitcoin Atom. Bitcoin Atom akan membuat snapshot jaringan Bitcoin, dan berdasarkan data ini, meminjamkan Bitcoin Atom kepada semua orang yang pada saat itu memiliki Bitcoin di alamat tersebut. Anda akan dikreditkan 1: 1, jadi untuk setiap Bitcoin yang Anda miliki pada saat Force, Anda mendapatkan satu Bitcoin Atom. Fork dijadwalkan untuk Januari 2018. Bitcoin Atom akan memperkenalkan apa yang disebut pengganti atom. Ini adalah transaksi pada katup kriptografi yang terjadi secara langsung pada blockchain, atau tanpa pertukaran saham! Ini akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan AS API dan alat cross-chain yang akan ditambahkan ke kode inti Bitcoin. Hal lain yang menarik tentang Bitcoin Atom adalah sistem Proof of Work (POW), itu adalah sistem campuran dengan Proof of Stake (POS). POS ada lagi untuk mendesentralisasi jaringan. Sedangkan untuk spesifikasi Bitcoin Atom, sama seperti di Bitcoin. Akan ada total 21.000.000. Bitcoin Atom mengelola sebuah proyek nyata yang kita butuhkan saat ini untuk memperbaiki solusi blockchain saat ini, namun juga menunjukkan kepada dunia kemungkinan baru yang ditawarkan teknologi ini kepada kita semua.

Peta Jalan

Proyek Bitcoin Atom adalah buah tim yang dipimpin oleh insinyur profesional. Di samping mereka ada banyak pengembang, perancang, arsitek dan ahli pemasaran lainnya yang membantu mereka dalam pekerjaan proyek. Bersama-sama mereka memiliki pengetahuan yang mereka butuhkan untuk mengatasi tantangan yang ada dalam perjalanan mereka. Banyak proyek kurang memiliki keahlian dan beragam orang seperti proyek ini.

Proyek ini nampaknya sangat menarik dan di sini kami memberi Anda informasi dasar. Kami mencoba untuk membawa Anda lebih dekat ke proyek yang menjanjikan ini, namun untuk mengetahui semua informasi, sampai pada tingkat detail, kami merekomendasikan agar Anda melihat blog resmi, sangat terperinci dan jelas untuk dimengerti, Anda adalah seorang ahli atau pemula. dalam teknologi blockchain, yang bisa ditemukan di link berikut:

Kampanye bounty

Anda juga dapat berpartisipasi melalui program karunia yang disebut. Ini berarti Anda dapat mendukung proyek melalui jaringan sosial, membantu pendiri dalam berbagai terjemahan, menulis blog, berpartisipasi dalam kampanye tanda tangan, dsb. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat:

Bitcointalk adalah tempat di mana Anda dapat menemukan informasi terbaik dan pendapat orang tentang proyek ini, namun Anda juga dapat mengajukan pertanyaan dan orang-orang yang mengerjakan proyek dengan senang hati akan menjawab atau membantu Anda jika dibutuhkan. Thread dengan pengumuman proyek:

Tidak ada lagi yang ingin kita lakukan untuk mereka yang mengerjakan proyek ini, dan juga mereka yang akan mendukungnya. Bitcoin Atom membawa preferensi yang sebenarnya ke pasar mata uang kripto dan kami yakin ini akan menjadi kesuksesan yang lengkap, dan Anda tidak boleh lupa untuk pergi ke dan cari tahu semua yang Anda minati.

Jika anda ingin bergabung dengan Bitcoin Atom silahkan anda lihat link di bawah ini

Rincian Informasi:

Kamis, 18 Januari 2018

Image result for ebitpayment bounty

In times of globalization and travel, payments are increasingly problematic. This is mainly because there are many different currencies. Every day millions of people travel, exchange currencies and pay spreads (the difference between the buy and sell rates that allow parties such as banks and the exchange to make money). For example a transaction can have a high spread, like 12% of the total transaction value and can be through a number of intermediaries, where you are required to pay the cost of each step. Even those service providers, who are trying to minimize the number of parties, knowing that they can earn more because of the lower number of parties, add a larger, deliberate spread. In addition, there is no currency for people who travel often - they need to get back and forth between the currencies, exchange it in the most frequent way. One,

Intuitively, people start looking for a universal currency. The most common currencies today are USD and EUR, but that's not common enough. Many of them turn into cryptocurrencies, such as BTC or ETH. Although there are crypto and market exchanges, they can not be trusted or secure. It creates another problem. If a user buys something in a store that does not accept cryptocurrency, you need to exchange it for a different one, which today means waiting for a transfer from the stock exchange, which could take more than 24 hours, that's too much. Comparing time just go to the store to buy a bottle of milk. Of course, that is only if the given market supports the currency. There is a shortage of well-made bridges between FIAT currencies, such as USD, EUR, or CHF. and cryptocurrencies, such as BTC, ETH, LTC or ZEC.

The solution
eBit Payment LLC, offers exchanges including crypto exchange, without unnecessary third parties. Payment of eBites will also offer the token itself, we are gradually planning to extend the use of our tokens - via eBit Coins. Generally, targeted effects have only one party in the middle - eBit payments, that means currency exchange with the smallest possible spread - 0.99% maximum, ie in some scenarios a dozen times less than other solutions.

Internally each user account will be presented in an ebit crypto currency and all transactions will be sent in a user-specified currency, including some supported crypto currency. To achieve this, each time a user needs to pay using a supported FIAT currency, the transaction shifts from his account using ebitcoin, which will be automatically exchanged in our internal exchange in real time, then immediately delivered to the destination of the transaction. Everything will be done automatically, and transparent to the user, just like paying with other payment cards. The whole process is instant. Operation sequence:

Payment Overview eBooks
The development of technology in finance today is one of the hot topics, and no wonder - because it creates almost unlimited possibilities. We create innovative solutions, which can ensure the user's convenient usage. eBit Payment will open the possibility to make fast and affordable international bank transfers and quick purchases with payment cards, which can be managed using Android or iOS phones. It is a service scale, which can not be found even in traditional banking. From now on, thanks to ICO capital, this capability will also be available to the average user.

eBit Payment is a project, which includes the following solutions:

*Multi currency purse
*Real time exchange with access to currency exchange rates
*Multi-currency payment card
*Payment online
*Business applications

Another thing we want to apply, is the mechanism of balance protection. When the market fluctuates, we do not want users exposed to that risk, so we will normalize the balance of users, according to this scheme:

While eBit Payment invests to raise funds, you make a profit. We want the best for our users, so we prepare detailed information about how we plan to raise money:

Development - 30% Expansion of existing platforms involves costs such as hardware, employee salaries (including bonuses, incentive proof packets), provision of external assistance such as pentester, and office space.

Additional labor - 10% eBit Payment intends to grow rapidly, so we need to hire new employees in the following areas: Marketing, Finance and Legal Finance, HR, Administration and Customer Service.

Marketing - 10% In order for the platform to work properly and be recognized by a wider audience, it must be available to users, so we are willing to spend 10% on marketing-related expenses. With more users coming more feedback and our ability to adapt and solve problems faster for our users. It is important that we create a broad society using our platform.

Smooth market and network - 35% Financial markets are not the simplest sector to work on. We need funds to collaborate with other companies in the industry to make transactions as quickly as possible. In addition, this will open up new opportunities for easier financial interaction within the platform.

Licensing, integration and partnership: 15% As eBit Payment LLC, we need to invest in software licenses, incur additional costs associated with card issuance and also the cost of "patching" the gap between crypto and traditional currency.

Sales order Token
Token sales will cover 21 days. It will start on November 24, 2017 at 00:00. Delaware Time, and will last until October 15, 2017 or until it reaches the target number - $ 21.6 million. The number and time of a token sale is limited, which means that after a certain period of time or after the inventory runs out, the token will no longer be sold. After this period, it is only possible to purchase eBookcoins in the cryptocurrency market.

if you want to join eBit Payment please see the link below,

Details Information:

Sabtu, 13 Januari 2018

What is BTCx?

BTCx aims to improve functionality and sort out the volatility and uncertainty caused by infigting within the Bitcoin community.

BTCx will be distributed with ICO, so you can take BTCx and redeem it in Exchange.

BTCx is the most advanced version of Bitcoin with faster, smarter and more secure transactions and lower transfer fees.

Privacy Issues! BTCx has a private transaction so you can trade securely!


BTCx is written in Turing Complete Language which is more functional than the stack-based language used in Bitcoin.


BTCx has faster transaction speed than Bitcoin with the help of more advanced Blockchain technology. The average block interval on Bitcoin is 10 minutes which is forty times slower than the 14 second BTCx block interval.


Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 algorithm that generates numbers in hexadecimal format. Compared to that, BTCx uses the Ethash algorithm for security that is far superior in terms of security measures.


At BTCx, users can make smart contracts faster than Bitcoin at cheaper rates.

The team has been working at BTCX since April'17 in this project.

Quarter I-2017
Bitcoin has some problems such as unsuitable for smart contracts, having an average transaction time of 30 minutes and a very high transaction price. This issue reveals the need to create a newly upgraded Token Bitcoin.

Quarter II-2017
After months of hard work, the project team was organized and research began.

Quarter III-2017
New partner joined. At the same time, the project team finished working on making smart contract technology updates and security measures. Then the project website was launched simultaneously with the activation of social media channels.

Quarter IV-2017
Distribution of BTCx via ICO. BTCx trading will start in the stock market such as HitBTC and EtherDelta. After that, the trade will take place in the bigger exchanges as well.

Quarter I-2018
Blockchain optimization will be released and BTCx will be an option available on some online shopping sites

Quarter II-2018
Contracts with new partners will be announced and updates will be released. The private transaction feature will be implemented. Token switch to new and unique blockchain for new upgrades.

Quarter III-2018
Full integration of selected products

Quarter IV-2018
100 Partners working with BTCx

BTCx will be the commonly used payment method.

Contracts with banks and major partnership announcements.

Things that make BTCX better than Bitcoin are

BTCx is written in Turing Complete Language which is more functional than the stack-based language used in Bitcoin.
BTCx has a faster transaction speed than Bitcoin. This is due to the help of more advanced Blockchain technology. The average block interval on Bitcoin is 10 minutes which is forty times slower than the BTCx block interval which has a 14 second interval velocity. It can be said here Bitcoin is very much compared to BTCx in terms of speed interval.
Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 algorithm that generates numbers in hexadecimal format. Compared to BTCx which uses the Ethash algorithm for security that is far superior in terms of security measures. for this will be elaborated further on the workings of Ethereum hashing.
At BTCx, users can make smart contracts faster than Bitcoin at cheaper rates.
How does the Hashing Ethereum Work?

The Ethash algorithm depends on the pseudorandom dataset, which is initialized by the current blockchain length. These are called DAGs, and are regenerated every 30,000 blocks (or every -5 days). In March 2017, DAG — 2GB, and DAG will continue to grow in size as the blockchain grows.

The flow of hashing algorithms can be summarized as follows:

Preprocessed headers (derived from the latest block) and Current Nonce (combined guesses), are combined using the SHA3 algorithm to create our initial 128 byte mix, called Mix 0 here.
Mix is ​​used to calculate 128-byte pages of DAG for retrieval, represented by Get DAG page block.
Mix combined with DAG pages taken. This is done by using a special ethereum mixing function to produce the next mixture, called Mix 1 here.
Steps 2 & 3 are repeated 64 times, eventually resulting in Mix 64.
Mix 64 is post processed, resulting in a shorter 32 byte Digest Mix.
Mix Digest compared to a predefined Target Threshold 32 bytes. If the Mix Digest is less than or equal to the target Threshold, then the Current Nonce is considered successful, and will be broadcast to the ethereum network. Otherwise, the current Nonce is considered invalid, and the algorithm is re-run with a different nonce (either by adding the current nonce, or selecting a new one at random).
Based on BTCx Project Trip is classified as starting in 2017 following the travel and work planning of BTCx.

BTCx Token Info
Token Name : BTCx

Decimals: 8

The Symbol: BTCx

Supply: 21.000.000

BTCx can be a BTC revolution in the future, I can conclude this because we can see from the comparison between Bitcoin and BTCx, BTCx can be a prima donna in the future this is not separated from the technology used by BTCx.

If you want to join BTCx please see link below

Details Information:

Image result for ntok bounty images

What Is NTOK - a decentralized global learning platform based on the interaction between tutors and students via online platforms using smart contracts. feature is that the platform facilitates the daily life of the students. In the offline world, where students should not only agree with the tutor about the lesson, but also visit it at a certain place, at any given time. In, students can find tutors on any topic with just a few clicks and can learn from them anytime, anywhere, with no geographical or time zones to worry about.

"Our advantages include reliable teacher classification recorded in blockchain. Thanks to this, students can be sure there is no forgery in the classification of tutors. A qualitative increase in the level of service trust, which means strong competitive advantage over other online schools, "said Maxim Shekhovtsov, CFO and co-founder of "It's important that we work without intermediaries. In a traditional school, a teacher may receive $ 7 to $ 20 per lesson, while the school gets the rest. We create paths that improve efficiency: we do not rent space for classes, our platform has no sales manager, administrator, and so on. That's why we're good with just a small commission, while students save money. "

The primary payment mode and profit on the platform will be with all NTOK token payments will be made exclusively on this token. The cost of services on the platform will be determined by the participants themselves, so if the exchange rate for the token increases, the price in the token will drop, but will eventually remain in the market. "We will allow fiat money payments because we realize that this may be necessary in the conservative community of students and teachers," Shekhovtsov explains. "However, we will charge a small 10% fee, but we will inform all participants how to buy our tokens and avoid paying these fees."

In addition to paying their own learning session, NTOK token holders can also use it to purchase additional educational content and materials from partners Privileges will also be available to the token owner. Teachers will be able to raise the rankings and earn larger numbers of students while students will get a chance to receive 50% off commission and thus save a dollar for each lesson. It's in a flat commission that the project plans to make money: it will only be worth $ 2 per lesson in the NTOK token. Part of the token goes into the platform's operating costs. is not the only platform in the field of online education; Platforms like Duolingo, Tutor Varsity and iTutorGroup operate next to it. However, the founder of said that his main competitor is the off-line market, where currently 95% of all teachers and tutors are concentrated. wants to change the current situation and stimulate the mass migration of teachers and students into the online world. Experts predict that, in the coming years, the online segment of this market will increase by at least 70%.

To make this plan a reality, has the most important advantages: a very powerful team with a great experience not only in the EdTech field (eg, the launch of Tutor Ninja Online school for learning English online, which is a success), but also , retail, media, iOT, artificial intelligence and robot technology. The core of the team includes Andrew Kravets (CEO and founder), Maxim Shekhovtsov (CFO and founder), Natalya Asenova (Marketing and Sales Director) and Alexey Borisov (CTO). In addition, has assembled a team of leading consultants among the managers of major international corporations, ICOBox advisers and prominent representatives of the crypto community, experienced businessmen and founders of leading Internet services such as, and KinoPoisk.

if you want to join NTOK please see link below,

Detailed information:


Author: (specsmuluk);u=1062194

Jumat, 12 Januari 2018

this time I will discuss the Matrix with you
As you all know, I choose most of the few ico that I think have potentials, and today I chose a few, and one of them is a matrix, this particular ico attracted my interest because of its uniqueness, take your time and read , and when you can check your website and technical document that I will insert below

first of all, what is a matrix

This brief introduction

Matrix is ​​designed as a block-chain of the new generation, MATRIX uses the latest AI technologies for the revolutionization of the crypto-currency landscape. MATRIX distinguishes itself from previous blocks, offering breakthrough technologies in creating self-contained and self-optimizing block chains with AI support, which provide multi-purpose interaction and decoupling of data blocks and management. Features MATRIX - Intelligent Blockchain -

EASIER Allows everyone to develop intelligent contracts without explicit programming -

SAFER Providing more reliable locks for malicious attacks -

FASTER Enabling faster applications and transactions - More flexible Integration of public and private networks with adaptive optimization

Matrix Benefits

1. Automatic generation of intellectual contracts. Although intellectual contracts give blockers a significant opportunity to handle scalable commercial behavior models, they need to allow users to write programs in a specific programming language. In MATRIX, there is no longer any need for programming to develop intellectual contracts. The unique technology for generating MATRIX code allows you to automatically convert the abstract description of an intellectual contract into an executable program. The matrix requires users to input basic elements (for example, input, output and transaction conditions) of the contract with the scripting language (and in a natural language such as English later). Then the code generator, based on a deep neural network, is able to automatically convert the script into an equivalent program.
1.2. Secured intellectual contracts. Smart contract programs can call functions offered by the host system and / or third-party libraries. In addition, programs running on different computers in a distributed structure do not provide any guarantee of execution time. Such openness and decentralization are a reflection of the essential spirit of blockages, but they give rise to various sources of security threats. In fact, the lack of security is pursued by smart contracts. The block diagram of MATRIX is equipped with a powerful security mechanism AI, consisting of four main components,

based on the rules of the mechanism of semantic and syntactic analysis of intellectual contracts,
2) the official verification toolkit for confirming the security features of intellectual contracts,
3) the detection mechanism based on the AI ​​for identification of the transaction model and security check and
4) a platform for in-depth studies for dynamic verification and enhanced security.
1.3 High-speed transactions Today, all public networks suffer from the problem of long-delayed transactions and low transaction bandwidth. In particular, Bitcoin takes more than 30 minutes to complete a single transaction, and Ethereum's transaction bandwidth is only 10 transmissions per second (TPS). In fact, the block chain depends on the P2P network for transaction verification. Since the transaction must be broadcast for all nodes on the network, the total latency should increase until more nodes connect to the network. MATRIX solves the problem by dynamically selecting a delegation network in which all nodes are voted as delegates to the others. All processing of Proof-of-Work (PoW) is distributed only within the delegation network, which results in significantly less latency due to fewer nodes. The selection process is random in the sense that the node is selected with a probability proportional to its Proof (PoS). The online version of MATRIX will support the throughput of 100,000 TPS. 1.4 Flexible control of block circuits MATRIX is designed as a flexible block-chain. Flexibility is twofold. First, MATRIX offers access control and routing services to ensure the seamless integration of private chains into a single, publicly available chain. This function meets the requirements of many industries and government players, and at the same time it provides the necessary flow of information from the public network to the private and vice versa. Second, MATRIX uses the reinforcement training framework to optimize its parameters (for example, the consensus mechanism and the transaction configuration) in an evolutionary way. The optimization paradigm provides dynamic updating of parameters for almost optimal performance without the risk of severe deformation. 1.5 added value of the mining industry Perhaps the most controversial part of the crypto currency is the "waste" of energy in mining calculations. Although it is important to give social value to the crypto currency, the extraction process does not make any sense in the world of digital currency. The problem is even worse, when now more than 70% of the total computing power around the world is devoted to the production of bitcoins and others. MATRIX represents a new mining mechanism in which miners perform the calculation of the Markov chain of Monte Carlo (MCMC), which is an important tool for Bayesian reasoning. MCMC-based Bayesian calculations play a fundamental role in numerous large data applications, such as gene regulation networks, clinical diagnosis, video analytics and structural modeling. As a result, the distributed network of computing nodes MCMC provides opportunities for solving real computing tasks and, thus, creates a bridge between the values ​​in the physical and virtual worlds.


Details Information:

What Is NOUS
hallo all, this time i will discuss NOUS to you
NousPlatform is a Platform that provides an escrow, technical and legal framework for decentralized managed funds based on blockchain technology. An investor can invest funds at any time by buying equity shares with Nous Tokens. NOUS is a utility token and is available for purchase on a crypto exchange Standard token ERC20 has all the advantages associated with Ethereal like a single wallet for all ERC20 tokens.

If the investor wishes to liquidate all or part of his equity share, he will receive a nous token back at the current level at the time of the transaction.

Token NST
NST Token, its value is not related to speculation or opinion of future value. As soon as Nousplatform will be listed as one of the main investment funds in the rankings, more investors will be interested to invest. To invest it, they need to buy an NST token. This will create a request for the NST token. The formula is simple: the higher the demand, the more expensive the supply.

use the protocol to create a verified wallet shot of the investment fund and record it in the block. It creates statistics and statistics that are transparent and accurate. The system then analyzes this data and establishes a ranking list based on fund performance. This feature helps build investor confidence in the fund: The so-called Trust Level, which is also a ranking factor. At the top of the list, investors will see the most profitable funds that can be trusted.

Nousplatform offers a technical solution using an open source code protocol for interaction between Investor and Investment Fund. It offers extensive functionality such as the establishment of an Investment Fund, token share issuance, collaboration between Investors and Investment funds, rankings, dividend payouts, Mutual Fund statistics, trust rates, commission payments, KYC procedures, third party service integration to audit the Fund and many more.

Details of Token Nousplatform Sales
Symbol: NOUS
Maximum supply; 777 000 000
Available for purchase: 543 900 000
Pre-Sales Start November 30 11:00 UTC
End of 25 th December 10:59 UTC
ICO to be announced in Q1 2018
Minimum minimum transaction amount
Currency received: only for ETH
Hard Cap: 85 000 ETH
Soft Cap: 5 500 ETH
TEAM NousPlatform

If you want to join Nous please see the link below,

Details Information:

Kamis, 11 Januari 2018

Image result for envion bounty


Haii saya ingin memperkenalkan Envion kepada anda
Institusi-institusi besar, di antaranya berdaulat dana dan salah satu bank terbesar di dunia mendekati kami dengan kesepakatan yang sangat besar dalam minggu-minggu setelah pengumuman ICO envion. Prasyarat untuk kemitraan ini adalah bahwa rasa memenuhi tingkat kepatuhan yang sama dengan undang-undang sekuritas yang digunakan pelanggan ini. Kami memutuskan untuk memenuhi standar yang lebih tinggi dan prospektus ekonomi lama lintas batas yang relevan internasional untuk memanfaatkan penawaran ini.

Kami masih berkoordinasi dengan firma hukum yang berbeda di banyak yurisdiksi untuk mempersiapkan prospektus kami. Meskipun tidak diharuskan memiliki prospektus ini untuk melakukan ICO, ungkapan telah memutuskan untuk bertindak demi kepentingan terbaik pemegang token dan mengubah tanggal mulai ICO untuk memastikan bahwa kesepakatan yang dijelaskan di atas dapat ditutup tanpa penundaan.

Keuntungan bagi pemegang token:
• Pengguna Swiss dapat mengambil bagian dalam ICO tanpa batasan
• Bukti EVN harus dapat diperdagangkan di bursa resmi dan berlisensi AS
• Bank dan lembaga keuangan lainnya dapat lebih mudah menciptakan model kerjasama dengan rasa dan meningkatkan keuntungan pemegang saham
• ungkapan memberi fondasi untuk kerja sama tingkat atas
• Token EVN dalam perjalanan menjadi tolak ukur keamanan terbaik sejauh ini - pasar yang lebih luas - potensi nilai lebih tinggi
• ROI yang lebih baik lagi karena bisnis Pihak Ketiga Operasi


Envion yakin bahwa ketidaknyamanan menunggu beberapa hari untuk berinvestasi tidak akan lebih besar daripada faktor positif yang hebat. Untuk memastikan komunitas ICO terpercaya kami tidak dibayangi oleh para pemain besar ini, kami tidak akan melibatkan mereka di ICO, namun mereka kemudian ikut berpartisipasi dalam pendekatan desentralisasi dengan partisipasi seluas mungkin. Juga, produksi dan penyebaran MMU dari ICO akan datang lebih dulu, sebelum yang lain.

Kami ingin mengingatkan Anda bahwa tanggal mulai adalah satu-satunya perubahan pada ICO. Segala sesuatu yang lain akan tetap sama:
• persyaratan ICO
• token dan kontrak pintar
• pembayaran dividen
• Unit Pertambangan Seluler envion
• tanggal untuk produksi dan pembayaran.

Memindahkan tangga kepatuhan akan menarik tiket yang lebih besar dan memperkuat rasa dan investasi Anda. Kerjasama tingkat atas di masa depan menguntungkan bagi pemegang token karena meningkatkan daya saing envion dan memperluas potensi Operasi Pihak Ketiga untuk tumbuh dalam skala - divisi bisnis dengan potensi keuntungan jangka panjang terbesar dimana pemegang token memperoleh persentase tambahan dari, yang mana tidak termasuk dalam perhitungan yang telah kami tunjukkan.

Manfaat kerjasama tingkat atas
• Pangsa pasar global yang lebih besar menarik penawaran yang lebih baik untuk keuntungan yang lebih tinggi
• Lebih banyak sumber untuk berinvestasi dalam inovasi
• Pengembangan bisnis keuangan
Envion adalah startup di jalan untuk menjadi perusahaan global. Tim iri memiliki keyakinan bahwa 70.000 investor terdaftar untuk presale, komunitas Telegram berkekuatan 7.000 orang, dan satu juta pengunjung situs kami - hanya dalam satu bulan! - akan melihat kebijaksanaan keputusan ini dan menemui kami untuk pre-sale ICO yang lebih besar lagi pada tanggal 15 Desember.

Pengingat Distribusi Token
Bukti EVN telah dibagikan HANYA kepada investor yang membayar dengan ETH. BTC dan pembeli kartu kredit dapat bersantai - semua token akan didistribusikan pada akhir ICO.

Update Produksi
Perkembangan utama ada di cakrawala untuk pembangunan MMU kita. Envion sedang dalam diskusi dengan firma teknik multinasional multinasional global yang telah menawarkan untuk menyediakan layanan konstruksi. Bekerja dengan perusahaan berusia 200 tahun dengan 80 cabang di seluruh dunia akan membiarkan ungkapan menghasilkan lebih dari 200 MMU pada saat bersamaan! Mungkin juga untuk mendistribusikan produksi sehingga konstruksi terjadi lebih dekat ke titik pemasangan, mengurangi waktu dan biaya transportasi dan meningkatkan keuntungan.

Saat kami melihat ke bawah di Berlin dari kantor baru kami di lantai 25 gedung bertingkat tinggi Jerman yang terbaru, kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih lagi karena telah membantu kami menyelesaikan 2017 dengan sebuah ledakan. Kami mengucapkan selamat dan meriah 2018 dan berharap dapat menumbuhkan tim, komunitas investor, dan jaringan Unit Pertambangan Mobile bersama-sama.

Rincian Informasi

Rabu, 10 Januari 2018

What is Descrow?
Sergey: In recent years we have witnessed a large investment growth in crypto-economy, this year the volume of investment will be higher. At the same time, many experts claim that only 10% of all blockchain-startups are capable of developing their products. Along with the development of crypto and market economy, the demand for reliable investment tools, such as DEScrow also grows.

DEScrow is the first platform for secure ICO investments with decentralized escrow mechanisms, enabling supporters to control financial spending through voting.

The mission of our project is to make ICO a less risky way of investing and to eliminate excessive distrust of potential supporters of new beginners, which is driving the further growth of the ICO market.

What problems can be overcome?
Sergey: Market startups blockchain is growing rapidly. Nevertheless, there is an important vulnerability at the heart of all ICO projects: smart contracts can not evaluate the success of beginners after ICO closure.

DES will be the world's leading decentralized solution for transparent and fair use of funds, once the sale of the crowds has ended.

How does it work?
Sergey: After crowdsale closure, startups, using the DEScrow function for their campaign, receive the first phase of financing and begin implementing their roadmap. After the implementation of the specified work stages, they provide detailed reports based on their performance. Decisions on further financing of a campaign will be made by a majority of the majority, according to the report.

This procedure will enable the removal of a scam project, which is not intended to develop the finished product and explain it, which is ready to follow their roadmap and complete their mission.

What is a DES token?
Sergey: DES tokens are an important part of the DEScrow ecosystem that will serve as account units and payment instruments within the platform and provide a number of benefits to its holders, such as 30% discount for DEScrow services and more.

The DEScrow project successfully closed its own pre-ICO campaign and is now preparing for the next public fundraising phase. In the framework of the ICO campaign to be launched on November 22, DEScrow plans to raise approximately $ 13 million for further platform development and expand its services globally. With the help of this money, DES will set up an insurance fund for first-stage investments, as the most risky investment.

What is your target audience?
Sergey: Descrow will represent a decentralized community of loyal participants, where supporters are encouraged by the opportunity to invest safely and beginners interested in the possibility to raise more funds during ICO, due to greater trust from the supporters, which means Products will be in demand at market. Our potential users are investors and beginners from around the world.

Why will the company succeed?
Sergey: Our project completely eliminates the problem of an escrow agent with the help of blockchain and smart-contracts. For the first time, investors can be insured against 100% losses and ICO projects that are not true. The DES platform gives investors the opportunity to participate in project life so they trust their money.

For more detailed information and join Descrow's social media today please follow the following links:

Details Information:

Selasa, 09 Januari 2018


Persona is an excellent solution for managing identity, in accordance with the latest data protection rules. Spaces in the scope are the expansion of the capabilities of clients and control over their personal data, as well as the means of access to their personal data. Using an individual Persona, spend a little more time to update the data and their service providers to be able to access the latest version of the client's data.


The main goal of Persona is:

To use the identity management services for individuals based on blockchain technology apabisa offers;
Protect individual personal data. Although it is clear that the individual will have to provide details for different organizations, they have no control over him afterwards. Persona put people back Into the driver's seat;
Empower each person and give them the strength of what she shares and with whom, when dating insubstantiality and their personal details;
Allow third parties charged with personal details, who enrich their services, offering trust as a service;
In order to prevent fake news, by providing in the decentralized management of the identity of the system, Persona will provide a level of trust, we all need, as we rely on the news; on the basis of a profile
In order to streamline the adaptation process, since someone has probably already been verified by some person registered in the system;


The Blockchain function, using persona, allows companies to offer services to third parties, as well as KYC, benefiting from the service, respectively. Verification The process has two levels: communities and professional KCK people who offer a verification service will be displayed on the Persona website. They will be rewarded for verification services by adopting the PRS. List of documents required to provide KYC:

Identity card or passport or documents issued by the government (original documents)
Copy of your identifier or image 2
An account statement or an invoice confirming your residence

Safety and security data

Considering the fact that there is a two-component product, layered at the top of each one. Another, Persona is safe to use. When subscribing to the provider, the physical presence on the person is a prerequisite for the exchange of their data with the company.

Persona consists of three segments:

A block-chain containing transaction data and IPFS for storage
Web applications and a toolbar for individual use
Mobile applications that help manage data
The security of the mobile application is based on:

PIN based login
Optional fingerprint scanning
Security of web applications:

2FA Authentication


The sale of tokens for Persona will follow the steps described below:

The number of markers, PRS 100 million will be sown. The price for one token is PRS $ 0.2 total. Distribution per 100 million PRS:

70 million, allocated for PRS TGE;

15 million is allocated to the PRS team, which consists of founders.

Tokens that are assigned to the team will be held for three years, broken down into annual payments as follows:

10% for genesis;
30% in 12 months;
30% after 24 months;
30% in 36 months;
12 million PRS allocated to the Startup Persona Foundation;
PRS 1 million is allocated for consultants.
The sign given to the advisers will be hired for a period of 6 months;

PRS 2000000 is allocated as a gift.

There are 70,000,000 allocated to PRS TGE, divided into one on sales

Private and public sales of the three phases, as described in the section




Kamis, 04 Januari 2018

Crypterium token (CRPT). Subtoken of credit (CRPT: CRED)
Structure of tokens
Cost of 1 CRPT token: - 0.0001 BTC
Term of sale of tokens: - 75 days with the possibility of an automatic early termination in function of reaching the final objectives of the ICO

Objectives expanded after the start of the ICO: - Impossible

Technical limitation of the number of tokens: - 300,000,000

Adjustable issue: - All tokens not sold and not assigned will be deinked and an additional issue of tokens will not be possible

Secure ways to buy tokens: - Bitcoin (ВТC), Ethereum (ETH), payments in trust money

Launching of the list of tokens in the exchange sites after the end of the ICO: - Not before one month and not after two months

Cryptobank leader for cryptoeconomics

Crypterium's objective is to provide a complete vertically integrated service that encompasses the best ideas of the entire world community of blockchain enthusiasts.

CRPT - "COMBUSTIBLE" of Crypterium transactions

For each transaction, 0.5% of that transaction, in CRPT tokens, is "burned" forever. The "burning process" is regulated in a decentralized way by intelligent contracts. The amount of 0.5% will be calculated based on the exchange rate in effect at the time of the transaction.

The CRPT tokens issued during the ICO are the only tokens that Crypterium will emit. No CRPT tokens will be issued after the ICO.

The only guaranteed way to use Crypterium settlements and buy CRPT tokens for a fixed price is to buy the tokens during the ICO. Users who do not have tokens should buy CRPT tokens from the token holders, to use the revolutionary banking features of Crypterium. Crypterium aims to list its token in exchange houses after the ICO to support and expand its user base

CRPT supports its users and holders of tokens
30% of the transactional income of Crypterium forms the Monthly Loyalty Fund (MLF), designed to stimulate tokens and users to actively use the cryptobank, and also to reward especially active users (similar to reimbursements). Loyalty rewards are made in CRPT tokens that Crypterium buys in public and private exchange houses according to the exchange rate in effect at the time of purchase.

The rewards for fidelity of each user depend only on the amount of the transactions that he / she has made in the services of Crypterium during that month.

Credit system technology based on blockchain
The credit sub-loan (CRPT: CRED) provides the opportunity to create a complete bank structure and interest interactions based on blockchain.

Go to the profile of Ron Job
Ron JobFollow
Dec 2, 2017
Crypterium token (CRPT). Subtoken of credit (CRPT: CRED)
Structure of tokens
Cost of 1 CRPT token: - 0.0001 BTC
Term of sale of tokens: - 75 days with the possibility of an automatic early termination in function of reaching the final objectives of the ICO

Objectives expanded after the start of the ICO: - Impossible

Technical limitation of the number of tokens: - 300,000,000

Adjustable issue: - All tokens not sold and not assigned will be deinked and an additional issue of tokens will not be possible

Secure ways to buy tokens: - Bitcoin (ВТC), Ethereum (ETH), payments in trust money

Launching of the list of tokens in the exchange sites after the end of the ICO: - Not before one month and not after two months

Cryptobank leader for cryptoeconomics

Crypterium's objective is to provide a complete vertically integrated service that encompasses the best ideas of the entire world community of blockchain enthusiasts.

CRPT - "COMBUSTIBLE" of Crypterium transactions

For each transaction, 0.5% of that transaction, in CRPT tokens, is "burned" forever. The "burning process" is regulated in a decentralized way by intelligent contracts. The amount of 0.5% will be calculated based on the exchange rate in effect at the time of the transaction.

The CRPT tokens issued during the ICO are the only tokens that Crypterium will emit. No CRPT tokens will be issued after the ICO.

The only guaranteed way to use Crypterium settlements and buy CRPT tokens for a fixed price is to buy the tokens during the ICO. Users who do not have tokens should buy CRPT tokens from the token holders, to use the revolutionary banking features of Crypterium. Crypterium aims to list its token in exchange houses after the ICO to support and expand its user base

CRPT supports its users and holders of tokens
30% of the transactional income of Crypterium forms the Monthly Loyalty Fund (MLF), designed to stimulate tokens and users to actively use the cryptobank, and also to reward especially active users (similar to reimbursements). Loyalty rewards are made in CRPT tokens that Crypterium buys in public and private exchange houses according to the exchange rate in effect at the time of purchase.

The rewards for fidelity of each user depend only on the amount of the transactions that he / she has made in the services of Crypterium during that month.

Credit system technology based on blockchain
The credit sub-loan (CRPT: CRED) provides the opportunity to create a complete bank structure and interest interactions based on blockchain.

The total income of Crypterium during the month was $ 5,000,000, of which $ 1,500,000 was used to buy tokens and feed the refunds fund.
 The distribution will occur as follows: imagine that in the platinum group there are 1,000 token holders, who made total transactions for $ 1 million. At the same time, one of the token holders made a single transaction of $ 10,000, which therefore represented 1% of the total volume of group transactions. This means that you will receive 1% of the volume of the token fund in CRPT tokens, which in terms of dollars will be about 7,500 dollars. This motivates the token holders to make more transactions.

A customer receives a Crypterium Credit CRT: CRED, backed by an intelligent contract that takes into account the credit rating of that specific customer and in turn applies the client's specific conditions (which may or may not include a guarantee) and their specific interest rates.
2. Currency exchange
The client then converts the loan to the currency of his choice in a dedicated currency exchange within Crypterium. This is done transparently within Crypterium at the request of the client.
3.100% Guaranteed
Liquidity is guaranteed by Crypterium, which will use its capital to reduce volatility and adjust interest rates. You can also link the credit itself to the index of a world currency to avoid sudden fluctuations.
At the end of the loan period, the borrower must repay in CRPT: CRED including the interest, buying the cryptocurrency in the CRPT: CRED monetary exchange.
5. Debt cancellation
The borrower has now completed his payment obligations and corrected his credit rating for future loan applications
6. Demand
The cycle of cryptocurrency to fiduciary money and vice versa creates an inherent need for services based on Crypterium and ultimately a greater demand for CRPT: CRED

The credit subtoken is a new standard
of cryptocredit based on blockchain
The first subtoken with assured liquidity
Owners of credit subtokens receive much higher income than the market average
Decentralized storage of reputation of borrowers in smart contracts
Opportunity of other cryptobanks to use CRPT: CRED

Details Information:

Что такое WePower

WePower - это платформа для торговли зеленой энергией на основе блокчин. WePower позволяет производителям возобновляемых источников энергии привлекать капитал, выдавая свои собственные токены энергии. Эти жетоны представляют собой энергию, которую они совершают для производства и доставки. Энергетическая токенизация стандартизирует упрощает и открывает глобально существующую в настоящее время энергетическую инвестиционную экосистему. В результате производители энергии могут напрямую торговать с покупателями зеленой энергии (потребителями и инвесторами) и привлекать капитал, продавая энергию вверх по ценам ниже рыночных.

Возобновляемая энергия обычно определяется как энергия, которая исходит из ресурсов, которые не сильно истощены их использованием, таких как солнечный свет, ветер, дождь, приливы, волны и геотермальное тепло. Возобновляемая энергия постепенно заменяет обычные виды топлива в четырех различных областях: производство электроэнергии, отопление горячей водой / обогревом, моторное топливо и сельские (вне сети) энергетические услуги.

Основываясь на отчете REN21 за 2014 год, возобновляемые источники энергии обеспечили 19 процентов нашего потребления энергии и 22 процента для нашего производства электроэнергии в 2012 и 2013 годах, соответственно. Это потребление энергии делится на 9% исходя из традиционной биомассы, 4,2% в качестве тепловой энергии (небиомассы), 3,8% гидроэлектроэнергии и 2% электроэнергии от ветра, солнечной, геотермальной и биомассы.

В последнее время мировые инвестиции в области возобновляемых технологий в 2013 году составили более 214 млрд. Долл. США, причем такие страны, как Китай и Соединенные Штаты, активно инвестируют в ветроэнергетику, солнечную энергию и биотопливо. Возобновляемые источники энергии существуют в широких географических районах, в отличие от других источников энергии, которые сосредоточены в ограниченном числе стран. Быстрое развертывание возобновляемых источников энергии и повышение энергоэффективности приводит к значительной энергетической безопасности, смягчению последствий изменения климата и экономическим благом. В исследованиях, проводимых в международном сообществе, существует сильная поддержка поощрения возобновляемых источников, таких как солнечная энергия и энергия ветра.

На национальном уровне по меньшей мере 30 стран по всему миру уже имеют возобновляемые источники энергии, которые обеспечивают более 20 процентов поставок энергии. По прогнозам, национальные рынки возобновляемой энергии будут продолжать расти в ближайшие десять лет и далее.

Платформа WePower позволяет производителям возобновляемой энергии маркировать и продавать энергию, которую они производят. Производитель возобновляемой энергии, связанный с платформой, выдает свои собственные токены энергии на платформе WePower, где 1 токен энергии представляет собой 1 кВт-ч зеленой энергии, которая будет произведена в течение определенного времени в будущем (обычно в течение 4-6 месяцев с момента подключения) ,

Для каждой возобновляемой энергетической установки, связанной с платформой WePower, будет создан аукцион по продаже токеновой энергии. Владельцы токенов WePower будут иметь значительный доступ к таким аукционам, и их распределение будет зависеть от количества токенов WePower, которые у них есть.

Каждый новый завод будет производить аукцион на платформе WePower для продажи энергетических токенов покупателям энергии с минимальной ценой, установленной для каждого токена энергии, который будет представлять собой энергию, которая будет производиться и поставляться.

Через токенизацию возобновляемых источников энергии:

Производители возобновляемых источников энергии могут предварительно продавать свою продукцию на мировом рынке и приобретать необходимый капитал, увеличивая прибыльность проекта.

Инвесторы получают лучшие инвестиционные условия (более низкие затраты и более высокую ликвидность), а также доступ к проектам в области экологически чистой энергетики по всему миру стандартизированным образом. Эти разработки делают зеленую энергию привлекательным классом активов.

Например, производитель возобновляемой энергии строит заводы по производству солнечной энергии мощностью 100 МВт в Испании. Стоимость такого проекта оценивается в 100 миллионов евро. У продюсера не хватает 20 миллионов долларов, чтобы оживить проект. Используя WePower, производитель токенизирует прогнозируемое производство энергии в 20 миллионов долларов и продает его спереди. Чтобы стимулировать потребителей, производитель всегда продает свою рыночную цену на энергию, которую они могут использовать для себя или продавать на рынке.

Реляционные базы данных адекватны во многих приложениях и ситуациях. Однако устойчивость и масштабируемость ограничены этими базами данных. С точки зрения трансформации сектора в торговле и создании цифровой инфраструктуры, превращения производства энергии в 100% возобновляемые, ответ заключался в использовании общественного блока.

Blockchain допускает:

* Инновационное взаимодействие сообщества в приложениях

* Обеспечить третью сторону ликвидности посредством обмена и децентрализованных обменных протоколов

* Повышенная эффективность благодаря умной ликвидации контрактов посредников

* Повышенная безопасность из-за неизменности данных

* Более дешевое обслуживание и централизованная база данных

* История транзакций и прогноз транзакций

* Отказоустойчивость для DApps из-за децентрализованного характера блочной цепи

Wepower сначала создает платформу для финансирования возобновляемых источников энергии и приветствует всех, кто присоединится к платформе без доверчивости, когда люди могут не встречаться друг с другом, основываясь на чистой математике. По видению стать независимым от централизованной власти. Целью Wepower является разработка идеальной платформы для лучшего создания стоимости для всех участников на основе рыночных условий.

Энергия становится децентрализованной по своей природе, и для меняющейся реальности она требует децентрализованной системы доставки. В краткосрочной перспективе может быть достаточно реляционной базы данных, но Wepower создает децентрализованное приложение в настоящее время и в будущем, когда энергетическая сеть будет функционировать и оптимизироваться, даже в опасных условиях. Масштабируемость за пределами границ страны важнее краткосрочной логичности, поскольку масштабируемость имеет большую ценность для системы. 100% возобновляемых источников энергии на сетке с изменчивым производством на надежной системе важнее краткосрочного решения. Платформа масштабируется благодаря технологии blockchain за пределами страны или даже континентов, чтобы быть виртуальной полезностью новой эры в незагрязненной, децентрализованной мировой энергии.

* ЗНАК *

Разработанные жетоны WPR дают право на получение экологической (зеленой) энергии. Этот вкладчик энергии сможет получить от промышленников с использованием платформы WePower. Оказывается, токен WPR изначально снабжается определенным количеством энергии, которое может быть использовано или продано. Это повышает ликвидность актива, особенно если на территории вашего города нет производителей зеленой энергии, которые сотрудничают с проектом. Вы можете просто продавать свои жетоны людям, которые могут им воспользоваться.

Для успешного запуска проекта установлено довольно низкое программное обеспечение - всего 5 миллионов долларов. Во время предсезонного года уже было собрано 3 миллиона, сомнения в том, что остальные будут инвестированы почти нет. Проект является хорошо развитой, очень актуальной идеей и хорошей поддержкой на государственном уровне. структур. Фандрайзинг в рамках основного токена начнется 1 февраля и продлится ровно один месяц или закончится, если инвестировано около 35 000 000 долларов США.

Идентификатор продаж:

Создание токена истекает, когда выдается максимальная сумма WPR или срок погашения. Если не из мягкого края выданного минимального токена, можно получить вырученные данные маркера. Из всех выбранных токенов будут запрограммированы в Программу Bounty, но не будет превышать 525 000 долларов США в токене WPR. 1,5%


Качество плавания - 10% (52,5 тыс. В WPR)
 Текущая переводная кампания - Кампания
 Модератор 10% (52.5k в WPR) - 10% (52.5k в WPR)
 Акция Twitter - 5% (26,25 тыс. В WPR)
 Кампания по созданию контента - 35% (183.75 тыс. В WPR)
 VIP-контент - 17,5% (92 тыс. В WPR)
 Видео-интервью, интервью и обзоры - 17,5% (92 тыс. В WPR)
 Секретная кампания - 7,5% (39 тыс. В WPR)
 Подпись -
 Продвижение кампании на YouTube в размере 18% (94,5 тыс. В WPR) -
 Кампания Telegram 2% (11 тыс. В WPR) - 2,5% (13 тыс. В WPR)

Основные условия продажи токенов WePower:

Создание токена прекращается, когда выдается либо максимальное количество WPR, либо период вклада закончился. Если выдается меньше минимальной мягкой крышки токенов, то могут быть получены взносы на продажу токенов.

Цели продажи токена

Средства, привлеченные в течение периода участия, будут использоваться исключительно для развития и преимуществ WePower. Бюджет был приведен ниже, представляя сценарий, в котором была достигнута наша мягкая кепка.

Детали ICO:

* Дата: 02/01 / 2018-03 / 03/2018

* Тикер: WPR

* Тип маркера: ERC20

* Hardcap: 35 000 000 долларов США

* Цена токена на ICO: 1 WPR = 0,00091 ETH

* Всего токенов: 289 000 000

* Доступно для продажи: 55%

* Оплата: ETH

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