Senin, 11 September 2017

eventchain Providing the best in the business

Hi everyone, meet again with us. This time we will discuss the theme of ticketing. And we introduce the right platform that is EventChain. To start our discussion this time, let's open by discussing the background of this platform. EventChain smart ticketing platform was developed to create a peer-to-peer infrastructure, where event tickets will not be an additional processing fee, and everyone can be used in this popular platform. SmartCode Smart Event Platform (SmartTicket) handles many of today's ticket industry issues. Many of the event participants are beginning to get bored with monopoly control issues, including unfair activity ticket fees, site downtime and a single point of failure, event tickets are speculation and increased tariff increases and Artists' hard-working injustice cuts.

With EventChain you can create online or local events from any device and allow participants to get smart tickets (SmartTicket) anywhere in the world. EventChain Event Chain Event Management The token network will feature upgrades to the previous active ticketing industry that enables faster, more troublesome transactions for event tickets and event transparency and can be achieved through the use of the Ethereum Smart Contract Block Chain. To grab a more flexible and programmable smart ticket (SmartTicket).

SmartTickets is an all-in-one program that enables smart contract codes to fix ticket prices permanently, determines maximum value added value, or tags others or adjusts group ticket prices in one market. To prevent ticket dealers from buying large numbers of tickets, the allocation options for event tickets may be matched by the number of tickets available to individual users or groups, as well as additional tasks that may be subject to optional restrictions. The integrated ticketing reputation system enables event providers and resellers to build and grow their reputation in the second market. The SmartTicket reputation system will clearly identify the ticket dealer.

From the above explanation we can tap the EventChain platform which can be the main solution to set the event ticketing your problem, not only the above EventChaint excellence we can also find the right price for our tickets and open transactions because based on the decentralized blockchain technology. and open we can know all the transactions both inside and outside and more awake kerahasiannya by using this platfom.

 Then EventChain will use various payment gateways that can accept EventCoins to purchase products and services from over 205,000 suppliers from 182 different countries. Payment gateway can redeem event currency in real time EventCoins to supplier coins.

 Subsequently to participate in the ICO EventChain, participant participants need to obtain EventCoins using Ether. Nothing else will be accepted for ICO.
 EventCoins will be created during the ICO offer only with the terms already in effect. Ether
 will be sent to the address in exchange for EventCoins based on the ICO price in USD as

  • Pra-ICO $ 0.70
  • Phase-1 ICO $ 0.87
  • Phase-2 ICO $ 1.74

When a participant sends Ether to the ICC's EventChain wallet address we have provided, they are committed to the terms and conditions set by this Whitepaper.

Probably enough until here aja discussion about this EventChain Platform. If you still want to know more about this Platform, you can access to the links we have provided below.

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