the Crypto currency vision of biridir.şirket on the most actively traded, around the world next to the largest number of cryptographic provider olmaktır.güçl users due to their instability and high anonymity, the people's money, as they found company officials in their opinion, more about the very Cryptocurrenc from using money. That's why the idea of PAYERA arose for the use of helpless Cryptocurrences.
After drafting the original concept - After a short presentation - it allowed the partners and consultants interested in our team, and we created so systematically.
RECEIVER protects against criminals, as it provides full protection of consumers for all transactions made through PAYERA. This protection includes all traditional goods and services. You also have the opportunity to perform transactions with a built-in purse for free.

SELLERS receive the ideal solution for solving the cryptographic scene and increasing the corresponding sales volume. We offer full protection against VAT in the collateral market. PAYERA has lower tariffs and shorter retention times than other systems. Sellers also have the opportunity to make internal transactions with a wallet free of charge.

This allows traders and private sellers to safely offer their services and products on the crypt market.
Carder in
Of course, a crypto payment card should not be absent.
Get your encryption card for everyday use to get flexibility offline.
The card will be connected to your PAYERA purse and you will have the opportunity to make purchases at ATMs or take Fiat money as you are used to, except that you can use coins in PAYERA purse.

No change fee
You can change or sell crypt currencies as often as you like, and we do not charge exchange rates.
-Several for loyal
Buyers are completely exempt from payment.
- Low salaries for the seller
The seller pays a very low price, which can be further reduced by positive offers
-Multifunctional concept
A provider with which you can manage all your online transactions
-The processes are free of charge
You can send money to friends and acquaintances.
-Free safety at a high level
In all our services, we use the latest blockchain technology, which uses the highest level of encryption.

ICO is a method of financing an enterprise. The so-called "first currency offers" can be partially compared with the first edition of commercial documents on the stock exchange. ICO can purchase markers for projects in the block chain through mass financing. Supporters and investors buy the symbol of offspring and can trade in accordance with symbolic lists purchased on different platforms.
Between 30.05.18 and 15.06.18 PRE-ICO
The ICO will be held from 20.06.18 to 18.07.18.

During ICO Crowdsale, a bonus of 25% will be added. You will receive a bonus 14 days after the end of the ICO. Follow the ICO site or social networking channels to get the latest information.
What are the main goals for the first three years?
- At least 6 million special users
- less than 100 thousand registered international accounts
- Create an international team of young forces in the field of distribution and marketing in departments
progress and research in blockchain technology
build a foundation team

We will use a secure, indestructible system of blockchain technology to establish an honest structure in terms of marketing, procurement and process. When we record all the data for this number, we will immediately see it. The fact that control circles can not track a user other than a user is automatically recorded, so those who are wondering what will happen will increase confidence in this process.
not only the performance of cryptographers, but also the technology of locking blocks behind the scenes. In the near future, the banking system will be replaced by a multitude of inefficient instruments, intellectual contracts in the investment and financial sectors.
investors of the new generation can justify the expectations of technologically advanced platforms, as well as freedom of transparency, productivity and innovation. For this reason, the central philosophy of our platform is evidence of intrapersonal communication, which means that every owner of the token can vote, participate in a referendum and be rewarded for influence.
Payer came as a tool to reduce the vehicle by creating a new crypto currency that does not include monetary institutions and avoids unnecessary exchange fees. The Payera platform can disrupt most of these vehicles and act as a similar liability to central banks; which affects a serious headache, which does not bear any obligations.

Although Payera is generally possible as the best and most well-known online enterprise in the Asian region, it requires that it be managed much less.
PARE is an ERC20 marker based on Ethereum Blockchain, PARE is a token used by the Payera platform.
Command - command

Payera allows customers around the world to offer lower commission fees. Merchants also have nothing to do with pockets, so they have the opportunity to shop for a purse. Traders are the ideal answers and legal opportunities created in the cryptographic scene.
Details Information:
Website: http://payera.io/
Technical documentation: http://payera.io/WHITEPAPER.pdf
Medium: http://medium.com/@Payera
Telegram: https://t.me/payera
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PAYERAio
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/payera.io/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/payera.io/
Author: (specsmuluk) https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1062194
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