What is Invox Finance?
Invox is an invoice distribution platform that enters the invoice financing industry worth US $ 2.8 trillion.
The team at ABR Finance Pty Ltd is behind Invox Finance. ABR Finance is a successful invoice finance company and has helped fund businesses across Australia with A $ 30 million in invoicing.
ABR will also become the first customer of Invox Finance, allowing multiple sellers and buyers to test the Invasion Financial Platform with ABR Finance as a leading investor. some sellers and buyers to test the Invasion Financial Platform with ABR Finance as a leading investor.
How Infox Finance works
Sellers who have invoices they want to sell to speed up cash flow Investors hope
gain higher profits and diversify their investment portfolio.
Buyers who will receive an invoice payment period are updated and rewarded for verifying invoices.
Invox Financial Model
We plan to disrupt and revolutionize the traditional invoicing finance industry by implementing a distributed global peer-to-peer loan platform called the Invox Finance platform.
This platform will completely eliminate the need for investor involvement by linking businesses that want to accelerate their cash flow through the sale of their invoices, directly with investors who want to finance these invoices.
Decentralized Platforms:
Invox Financial Platform will enable sellers, buyers, investors and other service providers to directly connect, interact, share and distribute information.
Lower Rate for Seller:
Sellers will be able to obtain financing at lower interest rates than those normally received from traditional investors operating outside the block.
Dynamic Invoice in Distributed Ledger:
Dynamic invoices give all parties the ability to update invoice information in realtime, ensuring conservation and managing access to sensitive information.
Bringing All Parties together:
Invox Financial Platform maintains trust and transparency between all parties through the permitted access, verification, and reward system built into it
Direct Investor Access:
Invox Financial Platform will give sellers direct access to individual investors. This new direct loan environment will benefit both sellers and investors.
New Way for Investors to Diversify:
The Invox Finance platform will expose investors to loan products consisting of loan fragments from businesses in various industry sectors.
Reduce the Risk:
Invoice credits will be fragmented into smaller increments allowing investors to purchase loan fragments to reduce their risk profile and increase their diversification.
Invox Token
Bagaimana Infox Finance bekerja
Penjual yang memiliki faktur yang ingin mereka jual untuk mempercepat arus kas Investor berharap
memperoleh keuntungan lebih tinggi dan melakukan diversifikasi portofolio investasi mereka.
Pembeli yang akan menerima periode pembayaran faktur diperbarui dan diberi penghargaan untuk memverifikasi faktur .
Model Keuangan Invox
Kami berencana untuk mengganggu dan merevolusi industri pembiayaan faktur tradisional dengan menerapkan platform pinjaman peer-to-peer global yang didistribusikan yang disebut platform Invox Finance.
Platform ini benar-benar akan menghilangkan kebutuhan akan keterlibatan pemodal dengan menghubungkan bisnis yang ingin mempercepat arus kas mereka melalui penjualan faktur mereka, langsung dengan investor yang ingin membiayai faktur ini.
Platform yang Terdesentralisasi:
Platform Keuangan Invox akan memungkinkan penjual, pembeli, investor dan penyedia layanan lainnya untuk secara langsung terhubung, berinteraksi, berbagi dan mendistribusikan informasi.
Tarif yang lebih rendah untuk Penjual:
Penjual akan dapat memperoleh pembiayaan dengan tingkat suku bunga yang lebih rendah daripada yang biasanya diterima dari pemodal tradisional yang beroperasi di luar blokir.
Faktur Dinamis pada Buku Besar Terdistribusi:
Faktur dinamis memberi semua pihak kemampuan untuk memperbarui informasi faktur secara realtime, memastikan kekekalan dan mengelola akses informasi sensitif.
Membawa Semua Pihak Bersama:
Platform Keuangan Invoks menjaga kepercayaan dan transparansi antara semua pihak melalui akses yang diizinkan, verifikasi, dan sistem penghargaan yang ada di dalamnya
Akses Langsung ke Investor:
Platform Keuangan Invox akan memberi para penjual akses langsung ke investor perorangan. Lingkungan pinjaman langsung baru ini akan menguntungkan baik penjual maupun investor.
Cara Baru bagi Investor untuk Diversifikasi:
Platform Invox Finance akan mengekspos investor untuk produk pinjaman yang terdiri dari fragmen pinjaman dari berbagai bisnis di berbagai sektor industri.
Mengurangi Resiko:
Kredit faktur akan terfragmentasi menjadi kenaikan yang lebih kecil yang memungkinkan investor untuk membeli fragmen pinjaman untuk mengurangi profil risiko mereka dan meningkatkan diversifikasi mereka.
Token Invox

In conjunction with the Invox Finance platform, Invox Token will be created on the Ethereal Network.
The Invox Token will give the seller access to the Invox Financial Platform. Through the Trusted Members Program each seller will be required to pay a certain amount of Invox Tokens as an annual membership to gain access to the platform.
The system will reward buyers and sellers with Invox Tokens for verification and invoice payment.
Initial Coins Offer
The reason behind doing ICO is to prioritize membership to the system through Invox Tokens sales.
The Invox Token will entitle the right holder to access the Invox Financial Platform through the Trusted Members Program. By participating in the Invox Finance two-stage fundraising process, you will be given the opportunity to earn Invox Tokens at a discount.
ICO will be conducted in two parts with a bonus system that rewards the pre-ICO participants and also during the ICO itself. The maximum amount of Invox Tokens printed will be released at the beginning of Pre-ICO, along with our open source smart contract at Github.

Roadmap and target


Our advisor
Details Information:
Website: https://www.invoxfinance.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InvoxFinance
Telegram: https://t.me/InvoxFinanceCommunity
Author: (specsmuluk) https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1062194
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