What Is Databroker dao
Good day, dear friends!
I wonder if you or your friends at home have at least one "smart" device? If so, then you're in luck: now you're exploiting "Internet of Things" - a concept that will be the main in the world in the next decade.
In 5-7 years we will have a whole network of things from our homes that communicate with each other and with their owners. You can control the refrigerator, TV, computer remotely, and do not approach it. In addition, this technology will have a functional to exchange information among themselves.
In the work process the IoT device generates a large amount of information. This does not represent a specific value for "smart" technology owners. However, for organizations that require large data sets, this is valuable.
In today's world, there is no platform in which smart technology owners can sell securely, and organizations that need, for example, to improve artificial intelligence - to buy information. But now the solution to the problem is found. This function will be taken by the DataBrokerDAO project.
What is DataBrokerDAO?
DataBrokerDAO is a platform where sales and purchases of data from IoT devices will be available.
Register DataBrokerDAO users from around the world. If it is the owner of the "smart" device, then he talks about the technique, the data it provides and the cost. And users who want to get a collection of information, explore the market and choose the best deals for themselves.
All agreements between the seller and the buyer of the data are recorded in the smart contract. They are controlled by the machine, and conditions remain unchanged until the contract expires. This Agreement ensures the receipt of the data set by the buyer and funds transfer from his account to the seller.
Like other block projects, DataBrokerDAO is designed not to provide an intermediate space for their activities. 80% of funds paid by the buyer are received by the data that the participants provide. The other 10% is transferred to the network operator, which is required for the functioning of the DataBrokerDAO ecosystem. Finally, the platform itself receives 10%, which is spent on organization spending.

This platform will be interesting for Sensor Owners, Network operators, Sensor manufacturers, Smart city initiatives, Agricultural sector, Academics
At the current moment, many companies use sensor data to optimize and monitor their operations. The result is a single data landscape. DataBroker DAO manages the evolution of a truly "smart life", making these data easily accessible to cities, organizations and entrepreneurs at an affordable price. Watch this video to find out more.

Economy DataBroker DAO will be built on internal token DTX. These tokens will come from the reserve fund platform and will be sold for currency fiat with full billing, like any other digital goods. The team will not buy back tokens or issue more.
Let's go directly to the details of the ICO
Start March 19th, 2018 4PM CET
Token price - 1ETH=6000 DTX
Minimum limit - 10 ETH
Get 50% bonus now
Token sale
Start March 26th, 2018 4PM CET
End April 23rd, 2018 4PM CET
Token price - 1ETH = 4000 DTX
Bonus first day - 10%
Listing April 30th, 2018 - https://chankura.com/
I would be grateful if you register on my referral link
Token disribution
Token sale 48%
Lock-up 30%
Platform 10%
Early supporters 6.5%
Team incentives 5%
Bounty 0.5%

Why is it worth supporting this project:
DataBroker DAO team, absolutely all its employees work for the benefit of the company and are always ready to help in any matter. They are always in touch and do not lose sight of. Indeed, at the current moment, when we are talking about ICO projects, this fact is very important.
All prototypes made by the DataBroker DAO development team are publicly available, right now you can familiarize yourself with and try out this platform
#DataBroker DAO participates in every possible crypto, blocking forums, conclude serious contracts.
After reading this blog, you probably will have questions. Be sure to drop them in official DataBroker DAO sources:
Details Information:
Website - https://databrokerdao.com/?ref=btctalk
Telegram - https://t.me/databrokerdao
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DataBrokerDAO/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/databrokerdao
Author: (specsmuluk) https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1062194
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