what is a blocklancer ?

Blocklancer is the so-called Distributed Autonomous Employment Market (DAJ) on the Ethereal platform, our vision of self-regulating platforms to find work and complete projects. This will change the way freelancing works, both for customers and freelancers, and will increase the reliability of freelancing to new heights.
Our belief that a self-regulating system is the best solution for a freelancer platform like Blocklancer. Therefore, we have created a new form of job market:
Distributed Autonomous Work Market (DAJ for short). this is the realization of our vision of the future job market and our solution for many of the fundamental problems of the current freelancing platform. Most decisions are made
Our platform is in the hands of the token holder, which means there will be no single authoritarian instance with an unbridled amount of influence on the market. the token holder tribunal, to be described in detail further below, is an example of decentralization, a self-regulatory system for resolving disputes between customers and freelancers. but the token holder can also vote on changes that will be made on the Blocklancer platform, such as the amount of fees payable for contracts made through Blocklancer.
Markets and Industries
Freelancing is one of the fastest growing markets in the world1. The freelance workforce consists of 55 million workers, compared to 30 million workers only 10 years ago, and therefore almost doubles in the number of workers in this small time frame. Currently represents about 35% of the US workforce The entire freelance workforce has generated a combined income of $ 1 trillion in recent years, which is a significant part of the US economy.And that's not all: The free world is a growing market with more people go into freelance every year. In a survey, nearly half of all casual workers who are currently active in this field are seeing increased demand and are also expecting to increase their revenues in the coming year. If only 0.01% of freelancer communities use our platform - which is feasible for our project - the money in our platform will exceed $ 100,000,000, resulting in $ 3,000,000 in annual revenues at 3% cost.

Charges incurred in making unemployment contracts on our freelance platform will be 3% of the price included and then 100% percent of this fee will be awarded to the Token holder. But the advantages of holding tokens will not be limited to receiving only money:
If the parties to the unemployment contract have a dispute, the token holder is allowed to choose who is right. For example: If the client is not satisfied with the freelancer job, the token holder will be able to decide whether the freelancer fulfills his contract and the client is obliged to pay. Voting is accepted by losing token which is distributed among other voters. This will ensure that a single authority will not be able to influence this platform in their favor. There will be min. 200 million tokens are available because we want to make sure that the voting system, which we consider to be an integral part of our project, is just as diverse.
Blocklancer Process
At Blocklancer, we apply various processes. There are processes to offer jobs, apply for jobs, review and token holder tribunals. In this section, we will introduce the most important Blocklancer process.

The BPMN model in Figure 1 illustrates the job and offer bidding process for the job. It can be seen that at first the client creates a new job. The client attaches a deadline for the newly created job. This means that the client must choose the bid before the deadline is reached. After a job offer, casual workers are able to bid for the job. The freelancer offer contains the salary that the freelancer wants to get paid for this job. When a client chooses a freelancer and his offer, a contract is made. Work contract ties freelancer salary, so payment of freelancer will be guaranteed.

Figure 2 illustrates that the client regains his ETH, if the freelancer can not complete the work within the time limit

Figure 3 shows a successful project. The freelancer can get the job done and the client is satisfied with the job. It can be seen that the client is making a review of freelancers and freelancers able to make a review of the client. It is also possible to undertake an unfounded review to the token holder court. At the end of a successful project, the freelancer is able to collect his salary.

Figure 4 shows what happens, if the client is not satisfied with the freelancer job. the client can then start a token holder tribunal. The token holder of the voting, if the freelancer successfully completed the task or not. the token holder sees job offers and freelancers' side jobs, to decide whether the freelancer can meet the job offer. Decision making is done with the most votes. it is considered that the majority represent the truth. If a majority decides that the contestation of the proposed work is unreasonable, the freelancer can withdraw his salary and the client's trust value decreases. If the tribunal decides that the fight is the right thing to do, the client will be allowed to withdraw the frozen ET. In both cases, tokens are redistributed among the token holders. Upright holders who vote against the majority of lost tokens and lost tokens are distributed among voters, who vote for the majority.
Currently, it is not recommended to store large amounts of data on blockchain. Storage on any blockchain (including Ethereal) is very expensive and inefficient. IPFS on the other hand offers a cheap storage solution, but there is no possibility to index the data for the query to be done. To store data (user profile, job offer, etc.) we use IPFS. We also introduce standard formats for storing this kind of data. Files are uploaded to IPFS and the hashes required to retrieve data are stored in blockchain. Thus, everyone has access to distributed data. To query, the index service is required. Theoretically, it is possible for all users to have their own indexing services running locally. Because we think the app is only accepted by users, if the user experience is great, we think that the best solution now is to offer high-performing indexing services to users. Showing relevant work with freelancers is a complex task that requires advanced knowledge in information retrieval systems. The high precision of the documents taken is very important for the job market. We believe that in the near future, there will be new solutions for resolving indexing and queries on blockchain. The query syntax is similar to SQL and the results retrieved contain the ordered IPFS hash based on its relevance score.
Comparison between freelancing sites


Buying our Blocklancer Token will be open to everyone in the form of a crowd by putting Ethereum into a smart contract. If you do not have Ethereal, you can convert other currencies through a third-party conversion service on the main page. During the first hour of sale, the token will be available at a price of 15,000 LNC to 1 ETH (0.02 $ per LNC). After one hour, the rate changed to 10,000 LNCs to 1 ETH (0.025 $ per LNC) for the first 10 million Token blocklancers and this rate dropped by 1% for every 10 million tokens sold. 10% token will be saved by the developer and 2% is reserved for Bounty.

35% of the money collected from the sale will be used to improve the Blocklancer platform. 10% of the funds will go into general administrative purposes, 40% is reserved for marketing costs to improve our platform reputation and to improve crypto reception. 3% will be used for our IT infrastructure and 2% for all required software licenses. The last 10% is intended as a backup for other things; Financial buffer, so let's say.
Our ultimate goal is to become the biggest player in the freelance market, but to achieve this we need money earned from our ICO to finance our project marketing and to invest into the further development and upgrading of our platform. We want to get our name out there so we can reach not only technically experienced people but also ordinary people. For ease of adoption, we want to make our platform as easy and intuitive to use as much as possible. Simplicity is one of our core principles, as reaching the masses is possible only with an easy-to-use interface. The experience of using Blocklancer should be one without unnecessary interruption.
For the end of this year, we plan to include anonymous decentralized storage and communications networks for these projects. Our long-term goal is to connect our Blocklancer platform to real-world services and make it accessible and usable for everyone. We've also conceptualized our platforms into an easy-to-expand base layer for other people to use in their own projects. See below for our project roadmap.

★ BLOCKLANCER ★ »ICO August 5« ★ Freelance on the Blockchain ★
"No one can whistle a symphony.It takes an orchestra to play it." (Halford E. Luccock)
Michael Kaiser CEO / CTO, founder

Michael has a tendency to think well and be easy to use. His credo is to design the apps as easily as possible. The underlying technology complexity should not interfere with the user experience. Michael works as a researcher at the University of Innsbruck. He is also a co-founder of LambdaDynamics. A company that is specialized in bringing business to the next level by using Machine Learning. Its main areas are Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and Machine Learning.

Sabrina Kaiser COO, founder

Sabrina is a creative mind with organizational skills. He is a trained office management assistant and has devoted much of his youth to improve his skills with pens. He is a great artist and knows exactly how to view web pages, software or platforms of interest. He is an expert in UX design and works closely with the front-end developer team to bring our app's usability to new highs. Furthermore, he has the skills needed to run, organize and work on a project as large as Blocklancer. Looking back over his years of experience, he is an invaluable addition to this team and has the ability to bring this project onto his shoulders.

Kevin has extensive computer and programming knowledge, as well as a considerable amount of experience from projects he has worked on in his spare time. He has a hard time getting loose and knows exactly what is the best way to bring clients and freelancers together. Being a self-taught programmer never holds it, on the contrary, it gives him the opportunity to concentrate on the most important part of programming and to specialize in areas of great interest. Meaning: Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and C ++.
Together with Michael he led the development of backend and smart contract.

Website: https://blocklancer.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blocklancer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blocklancer
Whitepaper: https://blocklancer.net/static/main/docs/lancer_whitepaper.pdf
Google +: https://plus.google.com/108214824905426550934
Bitcointalk ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1974481.0
My Bitcointalk: (specsmuluk) : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1062194
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